Quality + Peer Review

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know what should be referred to Peer Review?

Any concern for the safety and quality of care related to a provider during care at FMH should be referred to Medical Staff Services. Please note that this is not a fast-response system, so if this is an emergency situation that requires immediate attention, please follow the hospital chain of command policy.

How can I refer a concern?

Any hospital staff or provider with a concern or complaint regarding a provider shall attempt to resolve the issue with the provider directly if at all possible. If the concern is not resolved, the reporting staff or provider has the following options: Follow the Chain of Command policy and report the incident to a Hospital or Medical Staff Leader; Submit a report directly to the Medical Staff Office [FOCUS form or secure email/fax]; or Submit an event report through the Hospital’s event reporting tool [Verge]. Patient complaints/concerns should be directed to the Hospital’s Patient Experience specialist. (Professional Review Activities policy C-3.)

What do I write in the report and do I have to give my name?

Information should include facts of the situation or event and the concern. Reports may be submitted anonymously, but we may not be able to appropriately follow-up if necessary information is missing in the report.

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