
Thank you for your interest in a sponsorship from Foundation Health Partners (FHP).

As a community owned health system, we are committed to the health and well-being of Fairbanks and the Interior. We appreciate our many community partners who also commit time, effort, and financial resources to addressing these needs.

Requests to FHP can be for financial sponsorship or in-kind supplies or services. It is important that requests align with FHP’s mission, or serve to address a significant health or well-being need within the community.

While we would like to support all requests, as a nonprofit we are simply unable to do so. Due to the high volume of requests that we receive and the significant needs within our region, there are many worthwhile causes we regretfully cannot support. FHP reviews sponsorship requests on a bi-monthly basis.

We give high priority to requests that align with the community’s greatest unmet health needs. FHP has a long-standing practice of supporting initiatives that improve access to care for low-income or other vulnerable populations in our community. In addition, FHP prioritizes areas of unmet health need identified through the most recent Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA). Those needs include:

  • Care for seniors/elders and support for an age-friendly community
  • Collaboration for alcohol awareness and reduced binge drinking
  • Reducing social isolation across all age groups
  • Improving the continuum of care for pediatric behavioral health

We give the highest level of consideration to requests that demonstrate the following:

  • Investment remains in the community to benefit residents of Interior Alaska
  • Collaboration with other community-based organizations
  • Events or activities for which FHP is not the sole contributor

For more information please contact Kari Burrell, FHP Community Health Planning & Partnerships Director at sponsorships@foundationhealth.org or call 907-458-5300. 

Please fill out this
online sponsorship

You can also
download, print
and fill out the
above and
email it.

you can mail
a completed
application to:

Foundation Health Partners
Administration Office
Att. Sponsorships
1650 Cowles Street
Fairbanks, AK. 99701

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