Medical Records Request

Information release specialists across FHP can provide copies of records for services that occurred at the respective facility.  Services performed at other FHP facilities need to be requested from those respective facilities. 

Medical records do not contain billing information. Copies of billing records can be obtained from the respective billing offices

Protected Health Information

The Medical Record departments of Foundation Health Partners are committed to respecting and protecting the rights of our patients. The privacy of health information is of utmost importance; therefore, we remain vigilant in safeguarding our patient’s records by our own strict standards as well as federal and state regulations.  

During the process of reviewing or retrieving copies of records, please let us know how we can better serve you.

---------- Grouped Links ---------

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Health Information Exchanges: /fhp_records/health_information_exchanges

Birth Registration: /fhp_records/fmh/birth_registration

Non-Patient Requests: /fhp_records/fmh/non_patient_requests

Record Request Documents:


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Documents & Related Links

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