COVID Bites: February 11, 2021
Community Vaccine Clinic Appointment Availability: We anticipate that there will be new appointment availability on at noon today. With the expansion of eligibility, these appointments will fill quickly. Appointments can be made via or call 907-646-3322.
Changes in Vaccine Eligibility: Individuals in Phase 1b, Tier 2 are eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. This group includes, primarily, people 50+ with a high risk medical condition, people 50+ working as a frontline essential worker, Pre-K-12 and child care education staff and people living in congregant settings. Click here to learn the specific details and requirements of each group’s eligibility. (Prior groups continue to be eligible, health care workers and 65+ age group.)
Ideal Browsers for Chrome, Firefox and Safari are the recommended browsers for the site. That doesn’t mean that Explorer and Microsoft Edge won’t work, but they are not supported, which means you could run into some problems.
Limited Supply of Vaccines: With the expansion of eligibility, appointments could initially be difficult to get. Unfortunately, vaccines remain a scarce resource, but Alaska is #1 in the nation at 15.2% for vaccinating, by percentage of population. That means that more than 15% of Alaska’s population has had at least one dose of the vaccine. This is remarkable and a strong testimony to the army of people around the state doing what needs to be done to protect Alaskans in the quickest way possible.
Volunteer for Community Vaccine Events: Volunteer to help with the community vaccination events at the Carlson Center here. (Work is being done to refine the volunteer sign up process, look for additional information next week.)
The information provided in COVID Bites is intended to provide a brief overview of relevant COVID-19 content. There is a tremendous amount of COVID information (and misinformation) on the internet. Content is being added several times a week so check back regularly! For the most accurate and current information always use trusted and verified resources like and
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