Pioneers parade for health care workers
The Fairbanks Igloos of Pioneers for Alaska, a fraternal organization dedicated to Alaska’s pioneers, celebrated the hard work and dedication of the Interior’s health care workforce with a parade on Thursday, Aug. 6. Cars and trucks were decorated by members of the organization.
The parade kicked off at Fairbanks Memorial Hospital (FMH). The route starts at the Shoppers Forum parking lot, then proceeded past FMH on Cowles Street. The Pioneers will drove through the FMH campus from 20th Avenue to 19th Ave. to spread cheer to the residents of Denali Center twice!
The group to continued back to Cowles St., following the Chena River past the Carlson Center to Pioneer Park.
Coordinating the efforts was Joan Skilbred, a former president and an active Pioneer member. Skilbred says the organization has been looking for safe and fun activities to do. The Pioneers, who have many at-risk members, are grateful for health care workers in the Interior and throughout Alaska.
“This is one activity our members can safely get together to do, because everyone stays in their own car and is wearing a mask,” Skilbred said. “You might say it is a full-on, no-contact group activity.”
To learn more about the Pioneers of Alaska visit
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