FHP COVID-19 Updates

Archives for April 2020 « Recent Articles


A letter from our allergist, Dr. Foote

Photo of Public RelationsOffline

Foundation Health Partners is participating in a nationwide Mayo Clinic clinical trial of treating infected patients with the antibodies of convalescent plasma.


A month of COVID in Fairbanks

By Meghan Festa

A month has passed since Fairbanks announced the first COVID-19 cases. Dr. Laura Brunner explains COVID-19 modeling that looks towards the future. Dr. Ramirez addresses where we are now, how we got here and what we need to continue to do.


Below is a transcript of Dr. Mishelle Nace's video on the importance of community masking. Remember shelter in place and staying home are the most effective ways to prevent the spread, but for when you do need to go out in public, MASK UP FAIRBANKS!


Fairbanks partners up for PPE

By Meghan Festa

With a worldwide shortage of personal protective equipment (PPE) maintaining the supply among Foundation Health Partners (FHP) facilities, Tanana Valley Clinic (TVC), Fairbanks Memorial Hospital (FMH) and Denali Center (DC) is crucial. Learn how FHP and the community have partnered up to meet this need.


Happy Medical Laboratory Professions Week! Celebrate the contributions of the scientific and technical personnel whose work in the medical laboratory gives our nation the best possible health care.


Below is a transcript of Dr. Mark Simon's video on creative ways to mask in public places. Remember shelter in place and staying home are the most effective ways to prevent the spread, but for when you do need to go out in public, MASK UP FAIRBANKS!

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