Men's Health

Foundation Health Partners is dedicated to providing quality care for men of all ages. We use evidence-based approaches and the latest technology to deliver personalized care to meet your individual needs.

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The Importance of Men's Health

A 2019 Cleveland Clinic survey confirmed that men will do almost anything to get out of going to the doctor; 72% said that they would rather clean the bathroom than see their doctor. Only half of the 1,174 adult men surveyed said they get regular checkups.

Gender differences in preventive care are due in part to the fact that women generally get into the habit of annual gynecological visits from an early age, whereas men typically wait until something is “wrong” with them, and may not see a physician until their 30s or 40s for routine screenings.

Preventive care saves lives. Chronic diseases that are responsible for almost 70% of deaths – such as heart, cancer and diabetes – can be detected early and managed with preventive care. Unfortunately, if you wait until you have symptoms, diseases are more advanced and harder to treat.

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