Fractures & Trauama

Proper Evaluation, Treatment, and Rehabilitation

img28-ph.jpgOrthopedic surgery plays a crucial role in the treatment and care of fractures and traumatic injuries. When an individual sustains a fracture or experiences severe trauma to the musculoskeletal system, our team steps in to assess the extent of the injury and develop a tailored treatment plan.

With our specialized knowledge and expertise, our team can employ non-surgical and surgical techniques to ensure proper healing. The orthopedic team also provides a high level of postoperative care, which may include monitoring the healing process, recommending rehabilitation exercises, and ensuring optimal recovery. 

Our expertise in orthopedic surgery and comprehensive approach to fracture and trauma management aim to promote healing, restore function, and improve the patient's overall well-being.

Expert in Fractures & Trauma

Dr. Kerr's unparalleled expertise in fractures and trauma repair stems from his extraordinary military background as a decorated Navy SEAL and team surgeon for elite military units. His firsthand experience providing critical medical support during deployments to Afghanistan and Iraq has honed his skills in managing complex fractures and traumatic injuries. By trusting Dr. Kerr, you can have confidence in his exceptional surgical abilities, compassionate approach, and profound understanding of the challenges faced by patients in need of fracture and trauma repair. With his unwavering dedication and unique blend of military experience and medical expertise, Dr. Kerr is committed to delivering comprehensive care and helping patients regain their mobility, reduce pain, and restore their quality of life after such injuries.

1919 Lathrop Street
Suite 105

(907) 458-2619

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