Physical Exam

You may wonder why Dr. Gay must complete another physical exam when the previous provider has already done one.

We understand that it may be inconvenient to undergo another exam, but please know that Dr. Gay's goal is to provide you with the best care possible. Reasons for doing another physical exam include:

  1. Continuity of Care: Dr. Gay wants to ensure that he has a complete understanding of your health status and any changes since your last exam to provide the best possible care.
  2. Comprehensive assessment: A physical exam by Dr. Gay allows him to assess your current health condition, including any new or evolving issues that may have arisen since your last exam.
  3. Establishing Baseline: Having his own assessment helps Dr. Gay establish a baseline for your health, which is important for monitoring any changes or improvements in the future.
  4. Personalized Care: Each provider has their own approach and areas of focus. Dr. Gay's exam is an opportunity for him to tailor your care plan based on his assessment and expertise.
  5. Professional Standard: Completing a physical exam is a standard practice in healthcare to ensure thoroughness and accuracy in diagnosis and treatment.
  6. Quality of Care: By conducting his own exam, Dr. Gay can ensure that he is providing you with the highest quality of care, tailored to your specific needs.
  7. Legal and ethical Considerations: For legal and ethical reasons, it's important for Dr. Gay to perform his own physical exam to ensure that all aspects of your health are properly documented and addressed.
  8. Patient Safety: Ensuring that Dr. Gay has a current and accurate understanding of your health through his own exam helps to ensure your safety and well-being.

 If you have any concerns or questions about why Dr. Gay needs to conduct a physical exam, please feel free to discuss them with him during your appointment.

FMH North Entrance
First Floor
1650 Cowles Street

P: (907) 458-5638
F: (907) 458-6415

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