Lung Cancer Screening Program


Lung Cancer Screening Program

Lung cancer is the second most common cancer in both men and women in America, and is the leading cause of cancer deaths. Of all cancer types, the 5-year survival rate for lung cancer is among the lowest, at 17 percent. If caught early before it spreads, the 5-year survival rate of lung cancer improves substantially, up to 52 percent.

Often, symptoms of lung cancer do not appear until the disease is already at advanced stages. Lung cancer symptoms are frequently mistaken for other problems, such as an infection or long-term effects from smoking.

Foundation Health Partners Lung Cancer Screening Program offers high-risk patients an advanced way to monitor for lung cancer, using high-quality computed tomography (CT) imaging that reduces patients' exposure to radiation to less than a typical CT scan. The low dose CT scan is sensitive enough to detect the earliest lung cancers before they can be detected on a normal chest x-ray, providing our physicians and patients a head start on treating this cancer.

Who is Eligible

The following patients are eligible to take part in the screening program:  

  • 55 to 77 years old (some insurances cover up to 80 years old)
  • current cigarette smoker or have quit smoking within the last 15 years
  • smoking history of at least 30 pack-years
  • no symptoms that could be related to lung cancer
  • no Chest CT within the last year- may enroll after that year.

Talk with your provider about whether the Lung Cancer Screening Program is right for you.

How the Program Works

After confirming your eligibility for screening, nurse navigators help patients every step of the way to navigate the screening process, tobacco cessation, and coordinating care with primary providers. 

  1. We will perform a low-dose CT (LDCT) scan. LDCT scans can help find abnormal areas in the lungs that may be cancer. During the scan, you lie on a table and an X-ray machine uses a small amount of radiation to make detailed images of your lungs. The scan only takes a few minutes and is pain-free. There is no contrast required for this scan and no preparation for the exam.
  2. Your screening is read and interpreted by one of our dedicated radiologists to ensure the most accurate results. Results are sent to your provider.  
  3. Once enrolled in the program, any follow up scans or additional treatment is coordinated by the navigation team in conjunction with your provider.  

Insurance Coverage

Lung cancer screening is now covered by most insurance plans, including Medicare, for eligible patients. 

Smoking Cessation

Smoking cessation remains essential. LDCT lung cancer screening is not a good alternative to stopping smoking. By quitting, smokers can lower their risk of developing and dying from lung cancer. 

If you smoke, and are trying to stop, counseling might help. One resource is Alaska’s Tobacco Quit Line: 1-888-842-QUIT (7848). Alternatively, you can talk to your doctor about your risk of lung cancer and to get a referral to a smoking cessation program.

FMH Campus
19th & E. Cowles entrance
1650 Cowles Street

(907) 458-6900
Option: 0
(907) 458-5588

Monday - Friday
6:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.

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