Auricular Acupuncture
Acupuncture is part of Chinese Medicine used for over 3,000 years. More recently auricular (ear) acupuncture has emerged as a valuable treatment when used in western medicine. The Langevin Auricular Acupuncture method is a rapid, drug-free approach to pain, anxiety, PTSD and more.
The ear contains many points that when treated with very small needles, stimulate different nerves. From a western medical standpoint, stimulating nerves in the ear may promote a chemical response in the brain and release natural pain-reducing hormones, such as endorphins.
Your doctor will find specific active points to treat a variety of conditions. This can be used for pain (headaches to musculoskeletal problems), anxiety, motion sickness and more. Many patients will experience a substantial decrease in their symptoms. Auricular acupuncture is typically side-effect free and promotes relaxation.
Most commonly, auricular acupuncture involves inserting 3 to 9 sterile needles into specific points in one or both ears. The procedure takes a matter of seconds and is tolerated well by most patients. The needles resemble small gold dots on the external surface of your ear. It can work on it’s own or in conjunction with medication and Osteopathic Manipulation.
(907) 458-2619
8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
1919 Lathrop Street
Suite 105
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